Friday, November 27, 2009

Walton teaser trailer animatic

We started prepartion for the promotional trailer for Walton a while back and part of this work included a teaser animatic created by pre-vis artist Morgan Denton. The promotional trailer will be longer, probably 3 or 4 scenes plus a kind of money-shot teaser at the end. If you're reading this on Facebook click here to see the trailer.

Walton teaser animatic from Michael Condon on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Looking for a beginning

Headed up into the mountains with Darrell Nelson recently to scout out some potential locations for the first scene from Walton. This scene will also be the first scene of the promo trailer that we're going to shoot in February.

The day was characterized by a total lack of prepartion that was only matched by a ridiculous amount of luck in being able to find exactly what we were looking for.

Check out the Sound of Music pics followed by the ones with adjusted colour, probably a bit closer to the look we'll be going for...